When the World Stood Still | Double Purple Vinyl
Double 12' Purple vinyl | Gatefold
The album that documents a time "When the World Stood Still", recorded in a place only accessible on the high tide, on the banks of the river Fowey; One of Britain's most iconic recording studios that is coming to the end of a influential life. This could be the last album recorded at Sawmills, by a band who are considered one of the most exciting and successful independent acts in Europe.
Wille and the Bandits are a band who do not stop pushing boundaries. They were in the process of carving out a reputation as one of the UKs most original acts when the impacts of the Pandemic led to a ceasure of touring. Wille and the Band got stuck into songwriting and an album was written; A group of powerful anthemic songs, who's melodies and lyrics resonate with the emotions of a time that none of us expected. To do such an album justice it needs just the right kind of studio, and just the right kind of producer.
Pledgers who have had the album pre release have said: "Best WATB Album" "Masterpiece" "Work of Art"
*ignore the colour of the vinyl in the 2nd pic it will be purple